General terms and conditions
The companies within the IntVeen Group (hereinafter referred to as: “the Group”) operate under their own individual general terms and conditions. Transactions with any company belonging to the Group are subject to the (general) terms and conditions of the company to which the assignment has been entrusted (hereinafter referred to as: “the contractor”). Should the contractor outsource any part of the work to an affiliated company within the Group, the contractor reserves the right to apply the (general) terms and conditions of the affiliated company to the assignment at any time.
Our terms and conditions
General terms and conditions:
IntVeen Tank Transport:
- Transport and Logistics Netherlands (TLN) General Payment Conditions
- Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
- General Transport Conditions 2002 (AVC)
- Fenex Forwarding Conditions (for forwarding activities)
IntVeen Tank Cleaning Europoort
IntVeen Container Terminal / Tank Depot Europoort
IntVeen Tank Container Repair
IntVeen Truckstyling
- Coming soon
IntVeen Truck Painting
- Coming soon